

Types of automobiles
The modern automobile
Types of tractors
General Information about Engine
General Information about a Tractor
The Systems of the Engine
 Combine Harvester

                           Agricultural Machinery

                                                   Text 1   Agricultural Machinery

1. Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian. Study the vocabulary.
      The system of food and fiber production in agriculture is highly mechanized. These mechanized systems extend from initial tillage of the soil through planting, agricultural practices during the growing season, protection from pests, harvesting, livestock feeding and delivery for processing.
      The tendency has been to large self – propelled special – purpose machines; in tillage the tendency has been to large four - , six – or eight wheel or crawler tractors which trail high – capacity plows or discs and also subsoilers used to loosen compacted soils.
     Farm machines have undergone changes and improvements to become the modern and effective agricultural power units of today. New developments have made them more efficient, versatile, safe, convenient and powerful. Continuous improvements in design produced highly mechanized machinery with hydraulic linkage and control system.
    While many implements such as plows, cultivators and fertilizer spreaders are usually mounted on tractors, there are many that are too large and are trailer behind and controlled and operated hydraulically. Some multi - purpose machines are used where a high degree of precision is needed for precision tillage, planting, bed shaping and fertilizing. They have to till the soil, form seedbeds, form irrigation furrows, either … plant the seed or cultivate the crop and apply fertilizer in one pass through the field. The use of aircraft has revolutionized many farming operation: fertilizers and herbicides, are applied from the air.
     Farming operation includes plowing, harrowing, planting, tilling, harvesting, drying and processing crops.
     Soil preparation for planting usually involves plowing and harrowing. Plowing is often the most important farming operation, not only because of the basic nature of the work but also from the standpoint of power required.
     The essential feature of plowing by moldboard is that a layer of soil is separated from the underlying subsoil and is turned, so that any vegetation or manure present on the surface is buried and a layer of soil from below is brought to the surface where it is exposed to the action of weathering agents and of agricultural implements.
     The harrowing of the plowed soil is designed to break clods, level the surface and destroy weeds. A wide variety of implements are classified as harrows, the most common kinds being the disc harrow and the knife harrow. Previously, the function of seedbed preparation was performed entirely by the implements classified as harrows. With the introduction of power farming, it is now performed in large part by field cultivators, rotary tillers and various designs of rollers. Power – driven rotary tillers perform the function of both plowing and harrowing.


fiber production – виробництво штучного волокна
initialtillage – початкова обробка
growingseason – вегетаційний період
livestock feeding – годівля тварин
delivery for processing – доставка для переробки
large self – propelled special – purpose machines – великі, самохідні, спецпризначення машини
high – capacity plows – плуги високої ємності
subsoilers – глибокі розрихлювачі
toloosencompactedsoils – щоб послабити ущільнені грунти
undergone changes – зазнав змін
versatile – універсальність
convenient – зручно
plow – плуг
cultivator –культиватор
fertilizer spreader – розкидач добрив
bed shaping –
to till the soil – щоб обробляти землю
formseedbeds – формувати грядки
formirrigationfurrows – формувати поливні борозни
moldboard – відвал
a layer of soil – шар грунту
underlying subsoil –
manure – гній
vegetation – рослинність
weatheringagents – вивітрювання компонентів
tobreakclods –розбивати грудки
knifeharrow – ножова борона
powerdrivenrotarytillers–дисковий культиватор із силовим приводом

2. Answer the questions:
1. Which kinds of agricultural machines do you know?
2. Which information about agricultural machines?
3. Which implements do you know?
4. Which farming operations do you know?
5. Which farming operations does the soil preparation involve?
6. Which kinds of harrow do you know?

3. Complete the sentences with the proper words from the brackets and translate them into Ukrainian.
1.The system of food and fiber production in agriculture is highly … (specialized/ mechanized/qualified) . 2. Many … (implements/
transport/ mechanisms) such as plows, cultivators and fertilizer spreaders are usually mounted on tractors. 3. Farming operation includes plowing, harrowing, planting, tilling, harvesting, drying and processing … (plants/soils/crops). 4. Soil preparation for … (planting/irrigation/tilling) usually involves plowing and harrowing. 5. The … (plouging/disking/harrowing) of the plowed soil is designed to break clods, level the surface and destroy weeds.
                                                                  Text 2    Ploughs
1    Read the text and translate it.

The ploughs has been used in its different form for many centuries. It has become the main implements used for the preparation of seedbeds.

A plough is an implement with one or more mold - boards which cut and turn the soil. Modern ploughs are commonly fully mounted on the tractor hydraulic system. Some are semi – mounted with the front supported by the tractor hydraulic linkage and the rear by one or more wheels. A semi – mounted plough is not lifted off the ground.
     The number of moldboards on a plough will depend on the type of soil and the tractor size. Plough with up to six moldboards is in common use.

There are three main types of ploughs:

1.      Conventional ploughs with right – handed moldboards. There are usually fully mounted but some semi –mounted and trailed models are also in use.
2.      Reversible ploughs having left – and right – handed moldboards, we can plough up and down in the same furrow. Most of them are mounted, but some of the larger models are semi – mounted. Reversible ploughs produce a very level finish.
3.      Discs ploughsare rarely used in Great Britain. In place of the moldboards they have large rotating discs which cut and turn the soil slice.
Both right – handed and reversible types are being produced. The soil engaging parts, disc coulter and the body of the plough are attached to legs, which are in turn bolted to the plough frame
The base of a plough body is called the frog, the soil engaging parts being bolted to it. The share cuts the bottom of the furrow slice.
The moldboard lifts and turns the furrow slice. There are many types of moldboards, each producing its special surface. The disc coulter cuts the side of the furrow that is to be turned.
There are various types of plough body, each having its special use. The main types common in Great Britain are general - purpose type and digger type. The general – purpose type is useful for the general ploughing work. The digger type is used for deep ploughing, generally in preparation for root crops.


with up to six moldboards – з числом відвалів, що досягає шести
right – handed moldboards – правосторонні відвали
up and down – вперед і назад
produce a very level finish – дають дуже рівну поверхню
the soil engaging parts – грунтозахватні частини
in turn – у свою чергу
the furrow slice – борозна скиба
disc coulter – дисковийніж
root crops – кореневікультури
 Answer the questions.
1.      What is a plough?
2.      When is a plough usually used?
3.      Which plough is named a conventional plough?
4.      Which plough is named a reversible plough?
5.      Which plough is named a discs plough?
6.      Whichare there types of plough bodies?
     Translate the words into English aloud.

Грядка, знаряддя, відвали, скиба землі, плуг, грунт, причіпні моделі, кореневі культури, реверсивний плуг, гідравлічне зєднання, екскаваторний тип.

                                         Text 3   Cultivator
1.      Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian. Study the vocabulary.

1.  A cultivator is any of several types of farm implement used for secondary tillage. One sense of the name refers to frames with teeth (also called shanks) that pierce the soil as they are dragged through it linearly. Another sense refers to machines that use rotary motion of disks or teeth to accomplish a similar result. The rotary tiller is a principal example.
2.      Cultivators stir and pulverize the soil, either before planting (to aerate the soil and prepare a smooth, loose seedbed) or after the crop has begun growing (to kill weeds—controlled disturbance of the topsoil close to the crop plants kills the surrounding weeds by uprooting them, burying their leaves to disrupt their photosynthesis, or a combination of both). Unlike a harrow, which disturbs the entire surface of the soil, cultivators are designed to disturb the soil in careful patterns, sparing the crop plants but disrupting the weeds.
3.      Cultivators of the toothed type are often similar in form to chisel plows, but their goals are different. Cultivator teeth work near the surface, usually for weed control, whereas chisel plow shanks work deep beneath the surface, breaking up hardpan. Consequently, cultivating also takes much less power per shank than does chisel plowing.
4.      Small toothed cultivators pushed or pulled by a single person are used as garden tools for small-scale gardening, such as for the household's own use or for small market gardens. Similarly sized rotary tillers combine the functions of harrow and cultivator into one multipurpose machine.
5.      Cultivators are usually either self-propelled or drawn as an attachment behind either a two-wheel tractor or four-wheel tractor. For two-wheel tractors they are usually rigidly fixed and powered via couplings to the tractors' transmission. For four-wheel tractors they are usually attached by means of a three-point hitch and driven by a power take-off (PTO). Drawbar hookup is also still commonly used worldwide. Draft-animal power is sometimes still used today, being somewhat common in developing nations although rare in more industrialized economies.
secondary tillage вторинна обробка грунту
piercethesoil – проколюють грунт
rotarytiller – роторний культиватор
chiselplows – розпушувачі
weedcontrol – боротьба з бур’янами
beneaththesurface – під поверхнею
pulverizethesoil – розпорошувати грунт
thetopsoil – верхній шар грунту
cropplants – культурні рослини
thesurroundingweeds – навколишні бур’яни
disruptingtheweeds – знищення бур’янів
sparingthecropplants – зберігаючи культурні рослини
rigidlyfixed – жорстко закріплений
draft-animal power – тваринна тяга

2. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1. A cultivator is a type of farm implement used for secondary tillage.
2.A cultivator has a frame with teeth (also called shanks) that pierce the soil as they are
dragged through it linearly.
3. Cultivators stir and pulverize the soil, either before planting or after the crop has
begun growing.
4. Cultivator teeth work near the surface, usually for weed control, whereas chisel plow
shanks work deep beneath the surface, breaking up hardpan.
5. Cultivators are usually either self-propelled or drawn as an attachment behind either
a two-wheel tractor or four-wheel tractor.

3. Answer the questions:

1. Which a type of farming implement is usedfor secondary tillage?
2. Which is a main constructive part of a cultivator?
3. Which is the main aim of usage of a cultivator?
4. Find the English equivalents to the given Ukrainian ones.

1.      обертовий рух дисків; 2. подібний результат; 3. збагатити грунт повітрям; 4. перервати їх фотосинтез; 5. дрібне садівництво; 6. маленькі зубчасті культиватори; 7.тягове зчеплення; 8. самохідний.

5. Match the headings with the proper paragraphs.

A. A cultivator in the small-scale gardening
B. A way of attachment of a cultivator on the tractor
C.  Some sense of cultivator
D. The goal of the cultivating
E. A cultivator looks like a chisel plow.
                                    Text 4 Forage Harvester
1.      Read the text and translate it into Ukrainian. Study the vocabularу.

A forage harvester (also known as a silage harvester, forager or chopper) is a farm implement that harvests forage plants to make silage. Silage is grasscorn or other plant that has been chopped into small pieces, and compacted together in a storage silo, silage bunker, or in silage bags. The silage is then fermented to provide feed for livestockHaulage is a similar process to silage but using grass which has dried.
Forage harvesters can be implements attached to a tractor, or they can be self-propelled units. In either configuration, they have either a drum (cutter head) or a flywheel with a number of knives fixed to it that chops and blows the silage out a chute of the harvester into a wagon that is either connected to the harvester or to another vehicle driving alongside. Larger machines also have paddle accelerators to increase material speed and improve unloading characteristics. Once a wagon is filled up, the wagon can be detached and taken back to a silo for unloading, and another wagon can be attached. Because corn and grass require different types of cutting equipment, there are different heads for each type of silage, and these heads can be connected and disconnected from the harvester. Maize and whole crop silage are cut directly by the header, using reciprocating knives, disc mowers or large saw-like blades. Kernel processors (KP), modules consisting of two mill rolls with teeth pressed together by powerful springs, are frequently used when harvesting cereal crops like corn and sorghum to crack the kernels of these plant heads. Kernel processors are installed between the cutter head and accelerator. In most forage harvesters, the KP can be quickly removed and replaced with a grass chute for chopping non-cereal crops.
Today's largest machines have engines producing up to 1,100 horsepower (820 kW), are fitted with headers able to cut up to a 35-foot (11 m) swath of corn in a single pass, and an output exceeding 400 tons of silage per hour (Krone).
Silage madefrom grasscanolaoats or wheat are chopped in pieces 5 to 76 millimeters (depending on knife, cutter head, and length of cut transmission configuration) and treated with additives including bacteria, enzymes, mold inhibitors, and preservatives to accelerate the fermentation process. When silage is made of corn or sorghum additives are not necessary because of the high sugar and starch levels in the plants. Additives however are frequently added to corn and sorghum to augment their fermentation. 
forage harvesterкормозбиральний комбайн
silage harvester – силосний комбайн
forager – фуражир
chopper -подрібнювач
silage – силос
storagesilo – зберігання силосу
awagon – універсал
towilt – в’янути
swathes – смуги
windrowpickup –підбір валки
tocrack – зламати
additives – добавки
moldinhibitors – інгібітори цвілі
toaugment – збільшити
canola – ріпак
kernelprocessors – зернові процесори
haylage – сінаж 
2.      Match the English and Ukrainian equivalents.
1. забезпечити годівлю тварин; 2. самохідні одиниці; 3. маховик з числом ножів; 4. збільшити швидкість матеріалу; 5. різні типи ріжучого обладнання; 6. зворотньо – поступальні ножі; 7. дискові косарки; 8. великі пилкові ножі; 9. модулі, які складаються з двох валків; 10. зубці, стиснуті разом потужними пружинами; 11. ріжуча головка і акселератор; 12.  травяний жолоб для рубки нетравяних культур; 13. вихід перевищує 40 тон за годину; 14. процеси бродіння.
3.      Complete the sentences using given words in the brackets. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

  1. A forage harvester is a farm implement that harvests forage plants to make … (silage/haylage). 
  2. Silage is grasscorn or other… (animal/plant) that has been chopped into small pieces, and compacted together in the silage bunker.
  3. Forage harvesters can be implements attached to … (a tractor/a combine), or they can be self-propelled units.
  4. Corn and grass require different types of … (chopping/cutting) equipment.
  5. When silage is made of corn or sorghum … (inhibitors /additives) are not necessary because of the high sugar and starch levels in the plants.

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