* Engine

General Information about Engine
1.      Text.                              INTURNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE

   Internal combustion is the process of burning of fuel within the engine. The fuel burns within the engine and provides forces. These forces provide the engine power.
    Internal combustion engines have stationary, rotary and reciprocation parts.
Stationary Engine Parts The stationary engine parts are the cylinder block, the crankcase and the cylinder head.
    The cylinder block is one of the basic parts of the engine. The process of combustion takes place within the cylinders. Tractor engines have some cylinders.
    The crankcase is a part of the cylinder. It supports the crankshaft and the camshaft and keeps the lubricating oil near the engine parts.
     The cylinder heads close the cylinders. The cylinders and the cylinder heads form the combustion chambers.
      The burning of fuel takes place within the combustion chambers.
Rotary Engine Parts Rotary engine parts are the crankshaft, the flywheel and the camshaft.
       The crankshaft changes reciprocating motion of pistons to rotary motion. The camshaft opens the valves of the engine.

1.      Read and learn the topical words.

to burn (burnt, burnt)
internal combustion
внутрішнє згорання
обертовий, ротаційний
 зворотно-поступальний рух, дія у відповідь
Spark plug
свічка запалювання
cylinder head
циліндрична головка
combustion chamber
камера згорання
Колінчастий вал
Розподільний вал
Valve spring
пружина клапана
Inlet / intake valve
Впускний клапан
Exhaust valve
Випускний клапан
lubricating oil

2.      Fill in the blanks with the proper words from the box.

Cylinder heads, camshaft, burning, crankcase, crankshaft, cylinder block
1.The … changes reciprocating motion of pistons to rotary motion. 2. The … opens the valves of the engine. 3. The … is one of the basic parts of the engine. 4.The cylinders and the … form the combustion chambers. 5. The … of fuel provides forces. 6. The … keeps the lubricating oil near the engine parts.

3.      Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

`1.The crankcase has the lubrication oil. 2. The cylinder block and the crankcase are stationary engine parts. 3. The engine has rotary parts. 4. The camshaft, the flywheel are rotary parts. 5. Crankshaft changes motion. 6. Crankcases support crankshafts. 7. These forces provide power. 8. The piston moves within the cylinder. 9. The cylinder head close the cylinders. 10. The process of combustion takes place within the chamber.

4.      Form with the help of suffix – ion the nouns using the verbs given below and translate them into Ukrainian.

To connect – connection –  з’єднувати - зєднання
To complete -…               ……………….                закінчувати - …
To act -                          ……………….               діяти - …
To rotate - …                   ……………….                обертатися - …
To convert -                 ……………….                перетворювати - …
To ignite - …                   ………………                .запалювати - …
To lubricate - …             ……………….                 змащувати - …
Circulate - …                   ……………….                обертатися, циркулювати -… 
To vibrate                   ………………                  вібрувати, коливатися - …
To compress - …             ………………                  стискати - …

5.      Match the English and Ukrainian equivalents of word – combinations.

1.      Cylinder block –                                      a. колінчастийвал і розподільчийвал
2.      Piston rings –                                           b. мастило
3.      Combustion chamber                            c. обертальний рух
4.      Intake valves –                                        d.циліндрична головка
5.      Engine parts motion –                             e.зворотньо – поступальний рух
6.      Fuel combustion process –                      f.енергія двигуна внутрішнього згорання
7.      Internal combustion engine power -        g. процес згорання пального
8.      Reciprocating motion -                            h. рухомі частини двигуна
9.      Cylinder head -                                        i. впускні клапани
10.  Rotary motion -                                        j.камера згорання
11.  Lubricating oil -                                       k. поршневі кільця
12.  The crankshaft and the camshaft -           l. циліндричний блок

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