1. Easy come easy go.
2. Money is the root
of all evil.
3. Money makes
4. Money talks.
5. Money makes the man.
6. Lend money to a
friend and you will loose both
a money and a friend
9. Time is
10. Waste not, want not.
a) хто грошам не знає ціни , тому
й не минувати нужди
b) час- це гроші
c) гроші псують людину
d) усе зло в грошах
e) копійка до копійки робить
f) гроші –це сила
g) де копійка , там і гривня
h) гроші роблять гроші
i) як прийшли , так і пішли
J) якщо хочеш втратити друга – позич
йому гроші
Exchange |
To make savings
Bank account
Банківський рахунок
To buy
To sell
For service
За послуги
To hold
To transfer
Currency marcet
Валютний ринок
Money unit
Грошова одиниця
When people make more production they need, they want
to exchange it for something else. But what to do if the product is big and
heavy? So people invented money. We use it to buy and sell
goods and to make savings.
ln old, time
in different countries there were various types of money: animal
skins and cattle, cocoa beans and salt, shells and stones.
In our land our great-grandfathers used grain, fur
skins and later - gold. In Kyyiv Rus money was called hryynia and now we have
hryvnias too.
banknotes and metal coins an easy to hold, to save, to
transfer and to use. That is why they replaced old kinds of money. Every country
has its type of money that is called "a money unit."
When people travel from one state to another they
need to exchange money. There is an exchange rate for this. It is
approximately equal all over the world for main money units at a certain moment
of time, but changes from day to day.
The exchange rate depends on situation in currency
In Ukraine ,
like in other countries of the world, we may change hryvnias into other
currency, in banks or special booths called "Bureau de change." They
give a receipt in which it is written how much money you give, what the current
exchange rate is and how much foreign currency you receive. But in Ukraine you can
not use foreign currency to buy something or to pay for any service. You must
use hryvnias only. The same situation is in every country of the world: people
use only national currency in the country.
You may pay in
cash (notes and coins), in cheques or
credit cards. If you have a bank account you are
given a cheque-book and when you need to
pay, it is necessary to write the sum, to sign the cheque, pull it out of the book and give the
If you have a special account for a credit card you
simply call the| sum and give your card number to the seller who fixes it and
then takes the sum off your account. He gives you a bill as to other customers.
If you need to take cash from your credit bank account you may get it from a bank or a
bankomat. A bankomat is a device some bigger than a public telephone. You put
your card into a slot, press some buttons to let the machine know what sum of
money you need, take your card back and
receive your cash from the bankomat.
Usually banks
take some money for service the money is
called commission and is not large.
Give Ukrainian equivalents for the
To exchange; to invent; to buy and sell; to make
savings; paper, banknote; metal coins;'to hold, to save, to transfer and to
use; a money unit; an exchange rate; currency market; Bureau de change;
foreign-currency; to pay in cash, in cheques or credit.cards; a cheque-book; commission.
Finish the statements.
1. When people
make more production they need ...
2. We use money
to ...
3. In old time
in different countries there were ...
4. Paper
banknote and metal coins are easy ...
5. When people
travel from one state to another they need ...
6. The exchange
rate depends on ...
8. You may pay in ...
9. Usually banks take ….
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